Kallum's Word was initially recorded by one regarded as the First King of Havenstahl, Eringaal. Though the city that would eventually be built by the tribe he ruled carried his surname, he never actually ruled over the physical city. He commanded the bricks to be placed, but the city wasn't finished until long after he passed on. Reverence to him as a king of the greatest city of men is strictly symbolic. Kallum's Word came to him in a dream as images and symbols. He recorded them in what would come to be known simply as The Book, Kallum's Word, Kallum's Law, or some variation. Through his efforts and those that followed him, It would eventually become the law of the land.
After recording the messages passed to him by Kallum, Eringaal began preaching the Word, teaching all who would listen about the Law of the one true God. Most who listened became followers for fear of the fate that The Book promised if they refused to bend knee and obey. After a time, his tribe grew quite powerful, and the fates of those who refused The Word were accelerated. Many men were tortured and killed for clinging to beliefs out of line with Kallum's Word during the great cleansing.
Kallum's Word or The Book is actually comprised of seven books, five teach of history and The Law while two look toward the future and what is to come. The books are named; The Beginning, The Rise and Fall of Dwarves, The Rise and Fall of Man, The Coming of Giants, The Law, The Propehecies, and The Great Gathering. The last day of the week, Kallum's Day, was set aside for these teachings. There was no training, no work, and no food on Kallum's Day, only worship, praise, and teachings from The Book. This was the same for soldier and farmer alike. All stopped to pay the mighty Eagle His due respects on the day set aside for Him. This was no different for Maelich. During his training as a warrior, he studied and learned about the first five books. The last two were kept from him until he could be guided through their mysteries by the great Brerto.
Here is an excerpt from The Beginning, the first book of Kallum's Word:
In the beginning there was nothing but Kallum, and before Kallum there was nothing. He came upon a place of great sadness, and He did sense evil in this place. Being perfection, He abhorred evil. So He said, "Because I despise evil, I will make this a place of happiness. Yea, I will make it a place perfect like Myself."
In this evil place was a great gathering of water, and Kallum did make Himself to float above it, and from beneath the water He did gather up dry land. This land He did bring to the surface and with it He did split the great gathering of water. Now this land was quite flat and unspectacular, so He did make many peaks to rise up from the flat land until He found it to be pleasing.
When He had finished, He saw that the land was barren, and with this He was displeased. He cut ravines across the dry land in and around the peaks. Then He called water from the great gathering of water and did make it to flow through the ravines. He called these rivers, and they did bring water to the land. In spots the water pooled up, and He called these places lakes. He looked upon all that He had done and was quite pleased.
He looked upon one lake that had been there before He cut ravines through the dry land. This lake was in the center of the land, and it did hold onto the evil that had been held by the great gathering of water that the land split. Here the evil endured. Here the evil remained. Kallum commanded the evil to leave because He despised it, but it would not go. He cursed the lake saying that none shall look upon its evil or bathe in its waters. Yea, He would hide it from sight.
Those are the first four Chapters of The Book, Kallum's Word, The Law Maelich was raised on. This formed the basis of his belief - like most other inhabitants of Ouloos - in Kallum as Creator and Ruler of all things. Of course, by the time he faced the Dragon, he had come to question everything he had ever known.